Our Definition of Food

We believe that a new definition of food is required for these times of high vibration and expanded awareness of All-That-Is.

Our definition of Food: Food is a naturally occurring substance1 that a being2 ingests or absorbs that nourishes3 the being.

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This substance has more than just proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. This substance has life force, Ormus4, and perhaps other subatomic attributes that have not been discovered yet. Substances that are regarded as “food” nourish every cell and in between every cell as well as all of the bodies of the being, if applicable.

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Beyond Our Definition of Food - What we do not consider to be food:

Any substance that is processed with chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or artificial sweeteners, food colors or flavorings; that is factory farmed; that is pasteurized, or that is refined.

Substances to avoid putting in your body: (These substances are not food. These substances do not improve your health or raise your vibration.)

  • Any and all mass-market processed chemicalized food-stuff - read the labels - if it has chemicals in it, don't eat it!

  • Genetically modified food-stuff - food that has been tampered with by chemicals or radiation - most corn and soy products are GMO

  • Sugar - especially be on the look-out for sugar substitutes like corn syrup or artificial sweeteners - these are chemicals and are to be avoided.

  • Hydrogenated oils - now called Trans Fats. Partially-hydrogenated oils are also to be avoided. Poison to your body and arteries!

  • Meats that have been factory-farmed. These meats are treated with hormones, food colorings, etc. Factory-farmed animals are typically treated inhumanely.

  • Pasteurized dairy products. Check out www.realmilk.com for local farms that have grass-fed organic cows and goats, and who sell RAW dairy products

  • All refined foods - sugar and white flour are refined food. When you eat these substances, your body is robbed of nutrients and life force when it trys to digest them. Avoid substances made of sugar and white flour - pastries, donuts, white bread, cakes, cookies...

So what to eat? Click here...

Definition of Food notes:

1. Naturally occurring substances that nourish human beingsa:

(list is in order starting with most preferred)

  • High quality fresh outside air

  • High quality local spring water from the source

  • Sunlight

  • High quality wild edible parts of earth plants and sea plants

  • High quality by-products from wild animals and sea animalsb

  • High quality edible parts of plants grown at home in highly mineralized soil

  • High quality by-products from home-raised animals treated with love

  • High quality local organic edible parts of plants grown with love and in highly mineralized soil

  • High quality by-products of local farm grass-fed free-range animals treated with love

  • High quality organic “superfoods” and herbs

  • High quality organic whole grains, vegetables, fruits, superfoods from a grocery store

  • High quality non factory-farmed organic free-range meats and fish from a grocery store

  • Non-organic fresh whole foods - do the best you can!

Do the best you can for your circumstances! Continue upgrading along with organics, growing your own, and more... Eat what feels comfortable for YOU, i.e. if you're not comfortable eating meat, don't eat it! As of this writing, Dawn does not eat meat.

a. Plants, animals, protists, and fungi also ingest or absorb food.

b. Every human being has free choice to do whatever they consider best for her/his Self. Non-labeling of yourself is a liberating way to live. Consider that most if not all indigenous cultures were not vegan. Consider that pasteurized dairy is a relatively new concept in the course of human existence on this planet. Perhaps raw dairy products can be considered a “superfood”. Consider the shamanic view (the oldest healing tradition in the world) that ALL beings have a spirit - rocks, trees, plants, the Earth, the elements, animals, humans... If I eat a plant, what about its spirit? Yet, I eat that plant. (Plants respond to music and your voice.) How is that different from eating an animal? Also consider - in the natural world - all species kill and eat another being for their food.

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2. Being: Human beings eat and drink food, so do animals, plants, protists, and fungi. Perhaps rocks absorb sunlight. Rocks have spirit - they are beings. I'm leaving this wide open - perhaps all beings ingest or absorb nourishing food of some kind.

3. Nourish: to furnish or sustain with nutriment5 (Merriam-Webster)

4. Ormus: This excerpt from David Wolfe at Be Well Buzz:(sometimes also referred to as ORME, monoatomic elements, and/or m-state materials) is a class of physically distinct atomic mineral substances that are unique forms of matter that appear to be closer to the state of ether or vacuum or pure energy than normal matter such as the common mineral and atomic compounds found on Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table of the Elements.

These distinct substances also seem to be intimately woven into the fabric of living things. They appear to be associated with what causes everything to “live.” When isolated and separated from other parent materials, these substances display consciousness.

David Hudson made some innovative discoveries. He found that Ormus minerals are present in animals, plants, and in the soil of the Earth itself in varying concentrations. Hudson also discovered that Ormus may be ten times more abundant in human tissues than all trace minerals (e.g. zinc, copper, iodine, chromium, etc.) combined. The implications of all this, as it pertains to nutrition, become obvious. What if we have been deficient in Ormus minerals? What if we’ve been taking the wrong kind of mineral supplements? Is it possible that we (and our ancestors) have never been filled to the brim with Ormus minerals? And therefore never achieved our full capabilities of personal power?

Hudson’s research led to the theory that Ormus elements can be accumulated by individuals who ingest Ormus in various forms (food, concentrated supplements, atmospheric sources, fresh spring water at the source, through the skin, psychically-meditatively). Ormus can also be excreted.

For more about Ormus see www.subtleenergies.com

5. Nutriment: Something that nourishes or promotes growth, provides energy, repairs body tissues, and maintains life. (Merriam-Webster)

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My Addition to understanding food Not rated yet
Food is God's love manifested in the form of fruits, vegetbles, nuts, seeds, herbs, and grains to sustain, refine and, etherialize the body-mind …

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